April 10-11, Bucharest, Romania
ERIC is pleased to invite you to the upcoming edition of the Preceptorships, scheduled for April 10-11 in Bucharest, Romania, hosted by Dr. Horia Bumbea.
This Preceptorship will focus on the implementation and optimization of precision medicine in CLL. A distinguished faculty of CLL experts will engage with participants in interactive sessions covering:
- CLL diagnosis
- Indications for treatment initiation
- Relevant predictive biomarkers
- Treatment algorithms for both treatment-naïve and relapsed/refractory patients
- Safety considerations and adverse event management
- Emerging treatment options
- Real-world CLL patient management: regional perspectives, opportunities, and challenges
The detailed agenda can be found here.
The event is designed to be highly interactive, rather than consisting of traditional lectures. Your active participation is key to making it a valuable experience.
While the event is open to everyone, priority will be given to advanced hematology residents and young specialists (within five years of specialization).
Organizing and Scientific Committee
- Kostas Stamatopoulos
- Ghia Paolo
- Horia Bumbea
We look forward to your participation!